Is that so wrong? I've always had fantasies about forsaking my entire existence, throwing my iPhone into a pond, shaving my head (okay that's a bit much, think I'm allowed to keep my hair) burning all my fancy clothes (bit of a stretch, they mostly come from thrift stores, guess I have one or two nice things) melting down my jewelry to make weapons (okay, now that's just weird. At least keep the antique jewelry or sell it for money and donate to orphans. No need to ruin a piece of the past to make weapons. You're a pacifist, remember?) sowing a field of wheat (don't really know how, but totally doable) and milking cows at 4:30am (in theory, a great idea. I love cows and dairy products. I hate getting up early but perhaps allowances can be made.)
ANYWAYS. I know it's easy to romanticize the Amish or the Mennonites or the Quakers or the Shakers or the Mamas and the Papas. Life isn't that easy or simple. Or is it? Maybe all I really want on a Sunday is to go to a barn raising and make two dozen Shoo Fly pies. Maybe I really don't NEED buttons on my clothing. And who needs cars when you've got a lovely horse and buggy? I'm pretty sure they frown on makeup, but I'll just explain to them that red lipstick is necessary--it's like a marking on a flower to let bees know there's nectar. Okay, that sounds kind of gross. I'm gonna wrap this up and say, if all Amish men look like Viggo Mortensen in
Witness, count me in.