Sunday, January 4, 2009

Peter Falk has crazy eyes.

I learned two things today. Watching crazy Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence actually made having kids look like fun. For about, oh, two seconds. The birthday party she throws which spirals out of awkward control looks like good times! Perhaps this is a bad sign. Perhaps I really should not have children. This movie also made me go slightly insane. I don't think I can ever watch it again. The screaming, the horrible tension, the awkwardness, the throwing around of children, the slapping. Good God, I'm exhausted.

Another thing I learned. While watching the documentary American Teen, I felt inspired watching these kids deal with their struggles and strife. High school is really, really tough. And I think one day I would like to work with older kids. Not the young, annoying ones with runny noses. But the awkward, acne-ridden, hormonal, dramatic kids. I want to be the guidance counselor. I want to teach AP English and talk about books. I want to be the flamboyant drama teacher.

Huh. Interesting. Who'da thunk it?

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