No seriously. If I had a buffalo nickel for every friend/enemy/frenemy I have turned onto roasted beets and hazelnut-braised brussels sprouts, I'd own a bunny ranch in Reno, NV. People are always doubtful when I tell them of the amazing dinner I have planned for them. That's when I laugh in their face and say, "Oh, you'll see, my little friend. YOU'LL SEE."
Then I make them see. My roasted beets and goat cheese spinach salad makes grown men cry. The pickiest hung-up eaters devour my pancetta brussels sprouts concoction. So, what I'm saying is...I should be making money off of this. The National Foundation of Beets and the Society for Brussels Sprouts & Friends should pay me to travel the country in a Winnebago and turn people onto these often overlooked vegetables. It's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.