No seriously. If I had a buffalo nickel for every friend/enemy/frenemy I have turned onto roasted beets and hazelnut-braised brussels sprouts, I'd own a bunny ranch in Reno, NV. People are always doubtful when I tell them of the amazing dinner I have planned for them. That's when I laugh in their face and say, "Oh, you'll see, my little friend. YOU'LL SEE."
Then I make them see. My roasted beets and goat cheese spinach salad makes grown men cry. The pickiest hung-up eaters devour my pancetta brussels sprouts concoction. So, what I'm saying is...I should be making money off of this. The National Foundation of Beets and the Society for Brussels Sprouts & Friends should pay me to travel the country in a Winnebago and turn people onto these often overlooked vegetables. It's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
i just don't know about this one
-stephanie v
beets! hell yes! you converted me.
Please, share your recipe with the masses. I don't trust your claim without seeing a recipe. Hell, you may be using stinkweed instead of basil or something.
Please share!
My recipe? It differs every time!
I basically...drizzle my beets with olive oil, sprinkle on salt and pepper and thyme and rosemary, and roast in the oven for an hour or so. Beets take a long time!
I serve them with baby spinach, goat cheese, and a light vinaigrette. You can also use blue cheese. You can also throw in some toasted pecans if you feel crazy. Beets also make your poop purple if you eat too much!
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