Sunday, March 16, 2008

I want to live in Woody Allen's New York.

I don't like New York all that much. Perhaps this is surprising considering I am young and looking for jobs in the creative field, but it's quite true and I'm not changing my mind. New York is a constant hubbub of over-stimulation and loud noises and concrete and rat racing. You live life too hard. For me, life isn't about work and money. It's about enjoying a great glass of wine, watching a movie on your couch, admiring large trees, and going on walks near bodies of water. But every time I watch a Woody Allen film, I am charmed. His city is so neutral and brownish and eighties and everyone wears terrible clothes and has frizzy hair and cozy apartments cluttered with philosophy books. I just watched Hannah and Her Sisters and Mia Farrow's hair is so terrible in it. And she wears shirts to her knees over tweed skirts with saggy boots. It's horrendous, and I love it. Somehow, I have a feeling that kind of New York is gone. Did it ever exist? I don't know, I was about five and living in Texas at the time. But if I could go back to Woody's 1980's New York and have scintillating conversations with neurotic people, I would .

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