I've loved Rip ever since I watched "The Larry Sanders Show." His booming voice, shit-eating slanted grin, maniacal eyes, and smile wrinkles really get to me. He's like the crazy alcoholic uncle I wish would come to my family reunions to liven things up. And he was born in Temple, Texas and went to UT; we're practically related! I was curious to see what a young Rip Torn was like, so I rented the 1973 film Payday. He plays a boozing, pill-popping, amoral country-western singer. I have to wonder if it was a stretch.
Apparently country singers on the road in the 60s and 70s popped a lot of pills. Uppers, downers, bennies, and ludes...it was all for the takin'! Good times until you black out on the road going 90 mph in your Caddy. Anyways. The film was shot beautifully in that classic, dirty 1970s way I love so well. The eyeglasses men wore back then can never be replicated. Nor can their greasy, slicked-back hair and polyester double-knit pants. They all had that creepy substitute teacher look that I just love!
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