I go back and forth about John Travolta. Today, I think he's a joke what with his Scientology and private jet and bloated-ness. But he is in Saturday Night Fever and Grease...two movies I hold very dear to my heart. I actually thought he looked a lot like Thoreau in the beginning when he was rocking that fabulous thick dark beard. It was a good look for him.
Of course, I think Debra Winger can do wrong. I love her voice: it's kind of hoarse, like she's been crying/laughing all night. And I love that Robert Evans wanted Michelle Pfeiffer to play Sissy instead of her; he didn't think Debra was attractive enough. Robert Evans was such a slimeball--although he did produce a lot of my favorite movies. Him and his hairy chest and gold chains. Only Debra can pull off no bra and high-waisted jeans and cowboy boots and mechanical bull-riding. And don't get me started on Terms of Endearment!
Of course the soundtrack is amazing. I can't stop humming those Charlie Daniels' tunes. I feel like such a bad Texan. I need to go back home and learn the two step and go to the new Gilley's in Dallas (the original one in Pasadena burned down) and just get my Lone Star drank on. Sigh. I'll never be able to leave that damn state. It has a hold on me. And you don't realize how much you'll miss it until you leave.
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