Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Children are gross.

This is not breaking news, but rather a thought that goes through my head about 58 times a day. Children are gross. They pick their nose while watching TV, idly eating what they find as though it were a potato chip. Every time a bowel movement is imminent, they announce it loudly to the world, "I have to take a little caca!"

They leave the door open during this intimate act. Sometimes they even sing during it. They don't flush.

If they eat something they don't like, they say, "I'm just going to make a little vomit," and on the plate a half-masticated piece of cucumber goes.

If these children were my own flesh and blood, surely I would still be disgusted, right? I mean, just because they're short and wear cute little jumpers and say nonsensical comments about puppy dogs flying doesn't mean they aren't as disgusting as Hobo Jim shitting himself in some street alley.

The End.

1 comment:

Paola said...

Chère Lindsey
J'ai vu votre profil sur le résau d'expatriés , je voudrais savoir s'il serait possible d'avoir un entretien avec vous dans la mesure ou je fais un exposé de TPE ( pour le baccalauréat ) sur Paris et les americains. Je voudrais avoir votre vision de paris en tant qu'americaine. si vous n'y voye pas d'inconvénients bien entendu. Je comprendrais que cela ne vous réjouisse pas grandement et que vous ayiez autre chose à faire, cependant si vous acceptez j'en serais ravie. Pour me repondre, veuillez me contacter à l'adresse mail suivante : malloun@live.fr ou par sms au
Merci d'avance.