Monday, September 13, 2010

I am the worst au pair ever.

Monday I went to my France-Langue school and took my French placement test. A sobering experience to say the least. I’ve. Forgotten. Everything. I maybe got two things right. So I’ll be in the beginner’s class…which is fine. Maybe everyone will be from the Midwest! And therefore nice. Or it’ll be all the slutty Russian au pairs, which is fun, too. I talked to some cute English girls waiting in line. Hopefully at least one person will be cool in the upcoming classes. Hanging out with another au pair and bitching about our kids would be quite cathartic.
Tomorrow I have lots of errands I need to run, but guess what! The workers are going on strike! For two days! How French of them. So who knows if I’ll be able to go anywhere…and what a bummer, for I was going to another meetup thing on Wednesday night. Invited by Raj, a short Indian engineer I met. Let’s hope he’s not dumb enough to think it’s a date. “Sorry, Raj, not interested. Not matter how desperately lonely I get.”

On another note, when is it okay to physically grab your charges? Today I had to pull Nolan the Terrible away from Dara (all while they were screaming at disgustingly high decibles) and even though I grabbed him really hard, he was still pretty strong to hang on to the stair banister. At what point does it become abuse? Oh, and I might have yelled “SHUT UP!” That’s bad, right? Again, the worst nanny ever. Sometimes I wonder if I secretly want the kids to hate me so they’ll tell their parents to get someone new and fire me. Good plan? Or I can just let Nolan get hit by a car when he runs away from me on his scooter. Any nine-year-old boy that yells, “I NEED TO MAKE A LITTLE CACA!” at me deserves to get hit by a car a little bit.

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