Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fake Radio Spot for Dentist

I found this on my old computer and I still kinda sorta like it!

Dentist radio spot

AUDIOFX: fun, happy, circus-y music plays.

Announcer voice: Do you like candy?

AV: How about big chunks of dark, bittersweet chocolate?

AV: Or milk chocolate squares with just a hint of mint?

AV: What about ooey gooey caramel cubes that stick to your teeth?

AV: Sour jujubes that turn sweet?

AV: Long ropes of sticky black licorice?

AV: Sugary jelly beans of every color?

AUDIOFX: music abruptly stops.

AV (now with voice comically deepened): What about going to the dentist? Do you like that? …Didn’t think so.

AUDIOFX: fun music plays again.

AV: Well, Dr. Jane Putnam likes candy. But she also likes strong, healthy teeth. And with over twenty years of experience, she’s gotten pretty good at balancing the two. So if you like candy, but you’d also like to keep your teeth, give us a call. We’re located in the heart of downtown Charlotte on Sterling Drive, so feel free to drop on by. And know that with Dr. Putnam Family Dentistry, you can have your cake and eat it, too.

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