Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nostalgia will get you nowhere.

If I could relive one day
It'd be the perfect spring day
Summer hot but breezy.
Slightly hungover and operating on very little sleep
and that false adrenaline high where you crash at six o'clock that night.
But for now--
it is noon and we are young and irresponsible and carefree and pleasure-seeking
and the sun burns our faces as we lie in the grass of a city park
and stare at families.
I'm wearing last night's party clothes with uncombed hair and unbrushed teeth
and I've never felt prettier.
I flourish around you.
We walk to get snacks and end up with Belgian fruit beer and a soft French cheese
and it's decadent and lovely and heady and rich.
We're only 22 and the world is our oyster and it's fucking fantastic
and we haven't even kissed yet.

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