Sunday, January 13, 2008

I can't believe I'm doing this.

First of all, I don't like this font. I need new century schoolbook stat. Other than that, I'm not too sure what I'm going to write about. Nothing too personal. Sexytime is best kept only to myself, and my diary that I casually leave laying around for people to read. (It's great for early morning coffee poos on the toilet.) BUT I digress. I think this will be rambling about bullshitty things like TV shows, movies, music, pugs, and my quarter-life crisis. Most importantly, what am I going to eat for lunch? I'll end with that earth-shattering thought.

p.s. my crippled pug is being really crippled right now. It's sad. I wish Jesus would swoop down, take her mangled body into his arms and heal her broken spine. Instead, Jesus is probably partying with Ted Haggard in a gay bar.

1 comment:

MynameisZaff said...

holla! i love your broken pug.