Monday, January 21, 2008

I don't like Paul Dano.

Sorry. But I don't. I just watched There Will be Blood. Daniel Day-Lewis, inject children in my womb right now. Paul your mouth off and stick it on a cat's butt. He's a mealy-mouthed, slack-jawed, sourpuss baby face. Some people have faces I just want to punch. Paul Dano is one of them. And I know his career is taking off. This vanilla, affected little bore-ass is sticking around. And he's going to be in all the cool movies. Damn you, Paul Dano. Damn you.


-- said...
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-- said...

thats funny but I think paul dano
is amazing! His acting is great and getting better with each movie and i feel he is soo underrated! i hope i see more of him... MUCH more! Also I think he is very awakrdly good looking! His face is so unique..I LOVE it!!